
1/4 Booking Details

Property name *

Number of people *

Arrival Date *

Departure Date *

Total amount (USD$) *


2/4 Your Contact Information

First Name *

Family Name *

Email *

Mobile Phone *

Address *

City *



or, Province

Postal Code

Country *


3/4 Payment schedule

Total Amount Due Now: 0

Deposit Due Now


Local / Additional Charges and Expenses

1 - 12% Gratuity Fee:

There may be local charges for cleaning, heating, miscellaneous consumables or additional services.
RentAvilla lists all such charges, of which we are aware, in the detailed information above.
However, some extra items may not be listed and the renter should check on pricing when requesting additional items or services. Payment for all these charges will be collected on the premises.

4/4 Agreement

I understand that I am committing to the rental of the property listed above for the period stipulated and to the payment of all amounts due under this Contract.

Security Deposit Authorization (Required)

Rental Payment Authorization

Final Payment Authorization

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A copy of the booking contract will also be sent to your email address.
Thank you for your interest and please call us if we can be of further assistance.

We will never sell your personal information or use it for any other purpose other than communications from RentAvilla. Please see our "Privacy Policy".

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